Nine days have passed since labourers were stranded in Silkyara in Uttarkashi. Efforts are being made day and night to evacuate the workers. Meanwhile, a team has reached Silkyara to rescue the laborers trapped in the tunnel in Himachal.
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Rescue team of labourers reaches Silkyara in Himachal
In 2015, labourers were trapped in a tunnel on the Kiratpur-Narchok-Manali four-lane highway in Himachal Pradesh. Then those laborers were pulled out by drilling over the tunnel. The team that rescued the laborers has reached Uttarkashi.
Workers will be evacuated in two to three days.
The team says that they will definitely pull out the laborers safely by drilling about 90 meters within two to three days of the machine setup. In 2015, there was an accident in the tunnel of Kiratpur-Manali highway in Himachal Pradesh.
In which two workers were trapped inside the tunnel. SJVNL had then drilled over the tunnel to save the labourers. After drilling for 47 meters, the team had reached the laborers and the team had safely evacuated the laborers.
Machines will be set up in 24 hours
According to the information received, the team from Himachal has ordered three machines with backup here. A drill of 1.2 meters diameter will be done from this machine. With this, the workers can be easily evacuated. It is being told that the machines will be set up after about 24 hours of reaching the top of the tunnel. After which the rescue work can be started and the laborers will be taken out in two to three days.
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