
Meet Mili Buergo: Former Space Program Manager of Spain, Author, Psychologist and Life Transformation Mentor

How humble , how much down to earth, how grounded ?

Don’t worry folks – She is love personified.

We recently met in a live show and we felt she is stepping down from all her prestigious designations to become a love icon for Indians.
She is our Mili Didi and had been pulled up by unconditional love in Shiva from space to the divine space.

Conscerated with the auspicious Mantras of Vedas to the shlokhas of Krishna, Mili Didi is a surprise to medical science, as her visualisation and meditation evaded an otherwise destined paralysis.

Renunciation and sacrifice are not the right words for Mili; as she said, it is her love for river Ganges , Shivam and Krishna that let her take all the decisions that seemed quite impossible for a livelihood oriented humdrum.

Her philanthropy, investments in the real non comparitive education and grounded spirit, oracle another Vivekananda in disguise waiting for us to drink some water in our mundane pursuits towards deserts. She can be the cactus but chose to be an oasis in the whirlpool of devotion and meditation.

For the first time in our careers, we feel helpless to write, so vast is her horizon. Yet with each passing day, we will endeavour to make her and her book more and more viable to Indians , to give them that little push.

Ending abruptly this blog , Mili is an ocean of knowledge with multiple rivers of curiosity , forming a delta like Ganga Bramhputr river, letting a whole Sundarcan crop up in the heart of holy Indian towns.

We are a little jealous of Spain and Spain must be a little watchful on us, as such a gift as is Mili Buergo is the Kohinoor diamond for both.

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