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“Hitler’s Medical Experiments being conducted in Rehabs”

Aayush Tiwari –

Gone of the days when toads and monkeys confined the scope of medical research. Mental disorders these days are the pandemic haunting the present time of crisis as we all apparently know. The mind is exclusively a product of the human brain and so are the diseases associated with it. Apes and toads are therefore no good to be a subject matter of psychotropic drugs unless you have ever found a frog committing suicide off depression or a monkey falling sick due to a break up.

In the light of the above pharmaceutical giants these days are on dumbfounding and flabbergasting hunt. Subjects they need to empirically observe the human behaviour as regulated by the drugs are humans. Medicines now being manufactured to treat the bipolar depression, schizophrenia, clinical depression and other mental diseases have now crossed the limits of insanity chasing the human lust for money. At war level this covert operation has marked it’s inception, that sucks its victim like a crocodile riding the undertow without leaving a ripple.

With the advent of human rights and awareness against inhumanity now prisons and labour camps no longer provide this impetus. Unfortunately now the predators have been lurking to swoop the most neglected and despised community that is of the boozers, druggists and such other psychotropic substance abusers. This community especially which is poverty inflicted, is the most ignored and treated as a burden by their own family and loved ones. Striking the hot iron for the companies they now serve the purpose. Law enforcement agencies are yet not focussed on this as the existence of the addicts simply doesn’t matter to most of us.

I wrote once that brutality starts when one begs for life and ends when one begs for death. This quote is coming true to a gigantic segment of addicts captured in various non affluent rehabilitation centers across India. This indifference of society has now unfolded the most horrendous episode of human history ever saw, the medical experiments conducted by the Nazis. The insane medical experiments carried in the concentration camps between nineteen thirty three to nineteen fourty five by the order of Hitler.

Yes, this was unimaginable but that was initiated to conduct medical experiments for medical experiments on humans under the supervision of Adolf Hitler has Reincarnated. Germany’s monopoly on the pharmaceutical industry owed a lot to this idea of Nazi doctor Joseph Mengele and that German dominance on medical science still prevails. Learning from the past extremely powerful pharmaceutical monsters have now focussed on some rehabilitation centres to torment this most helpless clan of the substance abusers.

In India this dance of brutality is going on under the facet of assisted treatment under the Mental Health Act. The inmates of the rehab who are abducted involuntarily by the rehab owners under the express consent of their family or relatives pay absolutely no regards to the penal provisions of wrongful restraint and wrongful confinement mentioned under section Three Fourty Nine and Three Fifty of The Indian Penal Code, Right to life and liberty under Article 21 of the Constitution, The UDHR and various other laws related to human rights. The write up is intended to alarm the authorities against this as the money the foreign medical tycoons offer to these poorly managed rehabs is uncountable and the greed for money as we know doesn’t refrain from bringing back the Hitlers and Stalins hidden within us. Something needs to be done at war level to break the slumber that is bringing this nightmare.

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