Research & Development
Divinity you kiss in mask and her silence you touch with gloves.
Aayush Tiwari – Meditation is the most intense and insane love affair with the divine feminine nature of energy. Nevertheless…
Artificial third eye/chakras activation is your pineal gland masturbating
Aayush Tiwari – The internet is loaded these days with the binaural beats that promise to activate your “chakras” and…
This hip-hop spirituality is searching a soul mate in brothel.
Aayush Tiwari – What Do these jokers mean as they grunt “If you want a car, imagine it, feel the…
I am a spiritual terrorist
Aayush Tiwari – So as I ask you why the hell does your guru want you to look at a…
Breaking: AI equipped chess engine leads to path breaking discovery on meditation and spiritual enlightenment
Mack Khan – : Advocate Aayush Tiwari an alumnus of University of Petroleum and Energy Studies ( experiments with AI…
Award winning extract from the book ‘Freedom from the existential crisis ‘
Aayush Tiwari – With the advent of Quantum mechanics and with Albert Einstein’s consequent onslaught on the classical mechanics the…
Existential Crisis and The Bhagwat Gita
Aayush Tiwari – Existential Crisis and The Bhagwat Gita Bhagwat Gita is a conversation that is not happening under the…