Poetry & Songs


Aayush Tiwari –

Lonely I was when I wrote this song
With tears in eyes and feelings unclear
Lying I was in a haunting silence
And grim I was without my dears
Tortured I was and tormented by thoughts
Weeping I was with no one there
And disturbing the silence piercing the darkness
The painful groans of my heart I could hear
The ones I loved behaved like strangers
Seeing my fate that nothing I am
And when I did need them the most
They were so cold and indeed so damp.
Alone I was in darkness infinite
Indeed, it was a perilous night
Crying, weeping, shouting and sobbing
I concluded then that I won’t now fight
But then suddenly in dark a light did glow
I thought to myself I am in a dream
And then from the light a voice I heard
“Indeed, my friend, I am your dream”.

“Oh what a warrior you were as you pursued your dream
Now hell with you and hell with your dream
Now I am waning don’t try in vain
Till you prove yourself to be a warrior again”.
Thundering this, vanished the glow
And darkness again smashed a blow
Gripped by darkness again the same
But now it was a different game
I asked myself “Who Am I”
And for whom I cry what are they
And then in my heart a fire did rage
That burnt my agony and demolished the cage.
Then were my mind and thoughts unfettered
Griefs and pain then got shattered
And then I realized beyond my mind
The dream I lost again I shall find
And then I tried and tried and tried
And as I failed the harder I tried
When Success I got I got too thrilled
And thrilled with the thrills the harder I tried
Through prowling like a tiger this eternal race
I saw that light with smile on its face.
Tears started dropping out of my eyes
Remembering that ditch, from which I flied.

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