This 9 to 5 job, aah I am “naat barn faa that” ( naukri karne ko thodi paida huye hain apun beru). MBBS, yek ; LLB/LLM aww, BTECH/MTECH uff, ‘ my foot, hell with all these old age stories we are the new DROP OUT DEGREE holders man!
You see, Billi (Bill Gates) you see that Apple guy ( Steve Jobs) , ok don’t go that far you see Sandeep Maheshwari (CEO, image bazar) all these chaps were college drop outs so why should we lag behind. Hackers , entrepreneurs and they are so cool man, we wanna like ’em’.
The generation ‘z’ considers dropping out from college a fashion today. Afterall so many of the inspirational leaders there at the top were drop outs. What a perilous positioning this is , indeed how easily we pick up the most negative aspect even from the most successful men and pay the music all our lives. Yes, Bill Gates was a drop out but he still reads a dozen of books per month. Is this habit learn? Steve Jobs was a drop out but for a couple of decades he worked eighteen hours a day, is this quality imbibed?
Yes, many drop outs are legends they are larger than life today but how many drop outs are standing with a begging ball on the footpaths and how many of them are taking the cocaine shots is that number counted. It is a million times more, isn’t it.
The law is there, still the murders happen, yes it is true. But the law being there how many murders DON’T HAPPEN is this ever counted?
Comeon buddies, don’t foil your life in this immitation game. Billi developed the Microsoft still being in campus, so watch the movie ‘ pirates of the silicon valley ‘ to keep this old man’s lecture interesting. Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook while still in campus to avenge his breakup . Warren Buffett sold his first share at the age of 12 while Elon Musk made the first computer game at the age of 7 and sold it on a very big scale. The coming legends cast their shadow before as is apparent from each of these voyages. So dear generation z you actually are the generation c , c for confusion. Don’t fall prey to the immitation game , study hard, work with steadfast dedication and if in the meantime, with experience , you deliver something extraordinary, like the Microsoft, then who is stopping you to take the quantum leap. ‘Ma life ma choice’ , exercise it for sure but based on experience i tell you life is really very Cruel for idiotism. I wrote once in my poem that life’s brutality starts when one begs for life and ends when one begs for death. Don’t make this drop out degree a fashion to be followed, no old man long faced lecture anymore but just as a well wisher it’s important to ‘beware of dogs ‘ outside your college gates.