An amazing chess tournament was organised at Sukhdham Greenville to promote the little champions in Kanpur . Around ten chess prodigies from all age groups participated in the open tournament held at Sukhdham club house on 29th December, at the verge of the new year eve .

The tournament was full of surprises and the underdogs took the spectators at the edge of their seats with their incredible performances.
The three rounds followed by the semifinal and the final round were conducted in high spirits and the parents left no stone unturned to boast the morale of the children.
The final match was played between Krishna Thakur of Scholar’s Mission school and Vibhu Gupta of DPS Kalyanpur ended with an unprecedented move played by the winner to trap the runner up’s queen . Finally Vibhu stood first followed by Krishna and the atmosphere was set ablaze with amazement . Nevertheless another brick in the wall was Anshima Kushwaha of IIT Jodhpur grabbing the third spot despite her return in the world of chess after a couple of years .
With Gukesh’s victory in the world championship 2024 chess is blowing everywhere in the wind. The aim is to promote the enigmatic game at all levels said the arbitrator of the tournament. It is just just an inception and the city is looking forward to see more such geniuses in the near future .