Aaush Tiwari –
The black magic , ‘Sifli Amal’
Extract from the book ‘Freedom From The Existential Crisis ‘ by Aayush Tiwari.
It’s my duty pertaining to the promise I had made that I would not lead my readers go astray, will keep deep regards to their time and would refrain to talk on non- scientific principles. No matter what the ancient wisdom reveals backing them up with the modern scientific discoveries is my topmost priority.
To understand this topic first from the parlance of mythology, yoga tells us that we are actually composed of five sheaths. The anamayakosha or the physical body, the manomayakosha or the mental body, the pranamayakosha or the energy body, the vigyanmayakosha or the etheric body and the anandamayakosha or the bliss body. At the level of evolution where a person is identified with the anamayakosha or the manomayakosha he or she exists as an individual unit separate from the existence. But the game starts changing as one’s consciousness penetrates till the pranamayakosha, the energy body also often referred to as one’s aura in a generic way. Aura is like a thermal wave emanating from an object which becomes visible once we watch it with thermal sensitive glasses.
As Einstein established in his mass energy equivalence where energy of an object is equal to its mass multiplied with the square of the velocity of the light. At this level since every tangible object lies in the energy field and wherever there is mass there has to be its equivalent amount of energy (as governed by Einstein’s equation e = mc^2 ) everything is connected with everything. Recalling Schrondiger’s wave equation with the maxim ‘yatha bramhande tatha pinde yatha pinde tatha brahamande’ and the law of conservation of energy we can establish the fact that one object can be affected by the other without them moving, just via transforming the energy back and forth. Substantiates the above mentioned contention a famed Sanskrit adage “Ayam nijah paroveti garhna ch laghu chetsam; udar charitanantu vasudhev kutumbhkam” that means the entire ‘vasudha’ (earth) is but one unified expression of energy.
For convenience sake if human body is considered to be a device like a smart-phone then the human mind may be seen as its supporting software and the network that it supports as the infinite electromagnetic cloud to which all devices in the world are connected. Here the conversion of sound energy happens within the device into the electromagnetic energy and then the electromagnetic energy is in turn converted back to the sound energy at the receptor’s device end. It depends on the signal sent by the first device to the receipting device about whether the voice sent henceforth is full of profanity or blessings.
In the same way our bodies act like a device receiving various energy signals tuned to that frequency and this is the basis on which prayers and technical curse both work. Just like non-physical electromagnetic waves can be converted into a physical form of energy, the sound; in a similar way disruptions caused at the energy body of a person takes a physical form via disrupting the endocrine and the nervous system. It directly impacts the happiness hormones the sleep hormones and the electrolytic nervous impulses.
Occult sciences are performed opposite of the things we do while praying to the divine. We use a particular type of odor, offerings, lights etc. to connect our devices with the divine but do we realize the inverse of this holds equally true if our devices are exposed to an obnoxious set of things in the form of quanta of energy from terminals beyond our physical range and approach.
One such subset of occult that manifests in a refined and a highly effective form in one of the most recent religions of the world is called sifli amal. Tail of lizards, blood of bats, urine of the dead and many such deplorable means for example are deployed by the performer of sifli amal at some desolate place to tap into the device of its victim ie the human body.
Coming back to the compartment of the train by the time the night broke I had understood that the mystic I was talking to was not an interstitial but was reciting some common symptoms of this sifli amal. The symptoms hence mentioned were getting reflected as bipolar disorder, paranoid schizophrenia and clinical depression in the eyes of medical sciences.
Devil I am
‘You are a killer’ people call me
Devil I am and I live lonely
Acid and hate consist my heart
Where ever I dwell, I rip things apart
Bats I eat wolves are my friends
We bath in blood together in a trench
I break the trust innocence I kill
I raped my sister my mother I killed
Dead in light I, roam in the night
Just with my glance men die in fright
Lords run away just with my glimpse
Vampire I am that loves only grim
Pandemics I break I am an icon of fear
I travel like smoke and morals I tear
I love dead bodies the stink I like
To kill that innocence, I devote my life
Angels are my slaves and I let you know
I am an agent of death and cause all woes
I collect owls eye cobras venom I drink
I catch flying birds and eat their wings
Fire I fan kids I burn
Relations I break and feelings I hurt
To recreate myself I tour the hell
With deception my sister and Dracula my friend
I rule the hell where cannibals hail
And I find my life where oppression prevails
I love injustice my subjects I hate
To see them in tears is for all I am made
I defy the gods with sages I fight
Invincible I am in the darkest of nights
To what I fear is not yet born
I get tickled as I walk on thrones
When nights are cold and gentle is the breeze
I look for saints to stop their breath
To women and girls no mercy I show
I kill them slowly with my ruthless blows
Each iota of mine is full of evil
As I hail myself as most treacherous devil
I do have life but I don’t have love
I am that type of iron that is used when it rusts.
If I get enraged I shake the world
And people I then, kill like flies
I am not outside but inside your mind
To cut your pineal and burry in ice
In your blood I play, I cut and slay
I prey on minds that walk gods way
But to exist and to play my game
I enter your mind and take your name.
energy signals tuned to that frequency and this is the basis on which prayers and technical curse both work. Just like non-physical electromagnetic waves can be converted into a physical form of energy, the sound; in a similar way disruptions caused at the energy body of a person takes a physical form via disrupting the endocrine and the nervous system. It directly impacts the happiness hormones the sleep hormones and the electrolytic nervous impulses.
Occult sciences are performed opposite of the things we do while praying to the divine. We use a particular type of odor, offerings, lights etc. to connect our devices with the divine but do we realize the inverse of this holds equally true if our devices are exposed to obnoxious set of things in the form of quanta of energy from terminals beyond our physical range and approach.
One such subset of occult that manifests in a refined and a highly effective form in one of the most recent religions of the world is called sifli amal. Tail of lizards, blood of bats, urine of the dead and many such deplorable means for example are deployed by the performer of sifli amal at some desolate place to tap into the device of its victim ie the human body.
Coming back to the compartment of the train by the time the night broke I had understood that the mystic I was talking to was not an interstitial but was reciting some common symptoms of this sifli amal. The symptoms hence mentioned were getting reflected as bipolar disorder, paranoid schizophrenia and clinical depression in the eyes of medical sciences.
However at this point it is expedient to reveal that all these occult practices can only effect you if you identified with your mind and energies. If in deep meditative states you have tapped into the core of your being the anandmayakosha they can’t touch you. The knowledge of the self and the wisdom of the soul is far beyond the potency of such heinous practices.. Get rooted in the purity of your being, dwell in the no mind, keep the thoughts in their place and never shall you be bothered.