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Artificial third eye/chakras activation is your pineal gland masturbating

Aayush Tiwari –

The internet is loaded these days with the binaural beats that promise to activate your “chakras” and “third eye”. Shiva’s third eye also a symbolic representation of the the non dual “triyambakam yajamahe” has been reduced to the cicada of crickets mating at night. The junctions where the nadis intersect, yoga identified them as chakras and today you see those long faced women seated in that typical sleevless attire with such serious expressions as if constipated activating their “chakras ” to tap the electricity that must be floating somewhere in the universe. The men are also not far behind inhaling exhaling like zombies the “vibes” with a typical voice guiding them from a skull candy speaker. Breath in breath out and “do” meditation instead of falling in a meditative state, make efforts in ” doing” love, strive mentally to “do relaxation” instead of relaxing.

What binaural beats do is creation of a frequency gap between the left and right ears and the minute frequency difference hence induced is the silence registered in the mind that tranquilizes for a few minutes. To add fuel to fire people ask questions in the comments section if they can get enlightenment with these beats. I wish a Buddha or a Kabir to revisit the planet and see how smart the folks are in regards to the quest for which the saints and sages, burnt their lives in austerities of sadhna .
” Sukhiya sab sansaar hai, khave aur sove, Dukhiya Daas Kabir hai jaage aur rove” . Kabir.

Even if somehow these beats really manage to stimulate the pineal gland as related to the third eye will you be able to survive the tremendous energy that would unleash. It would be like a dam demolished by a flooded river. Yes you won’t burst like Openheimers atom bomb but your rationality will definitely jump into the zone of insanity wishing the final farewell to the limited sanity we have. Nevertheless it is not an alien to the zone where madness prevails, observe how frequently we keep on breaching this limited sanity in the moments of anger, lust ,envy and shock. Still what a clever instrument is mind if it does not find a partner to have sex with it hallucinates fancy images backed up with porn , drags down the image to its virtual control and masturbates. Splitting semen on the hidden bedsheets of mental ashram and monestary is easier than to earn a soulmate to curb the urge and if finding a soulmate is herculean. Going to brothel, salivating to avert perversion is so unethical, even illegal. If we substantiate with facts how legalization of prostitution can significantly reduce the rapes and mental disorders . We have to adapt with the pain that arises out of compassion seeing a pervert and mentally ill human society as the medical stats and out worldly experience also prove.

Well This was about the lower ‘chakras’ the muladhaar, but if your ego is inflated considering your hypocrisy as spiritual then and you are sitting with earphone buzzing with the binaural beats to activate your third eye, the agya chakra then digest the fact that it’s nothing but a futile effort to masturbate your pineal gland and nothing else. Seek Patanjali or Ashtavakr, Nanak or Mansoor. The Gita aur Brahma Sutras , A Krishnamurthy or Buddha to understand what it really means when Amrit , the ambrosia is secreted from the third eye , the pineal . May you understand the mahamrityunjay of the Rigveda and may your life blossoms as the mahamrityunjay mantra intends.

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