
‘Writers’ not ‘Typers’ brought revolutions.

Aaysuh Tiwari –

The French Revolution, and those fiery words of Rousseau. “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity ” and the prison of Bastille, ransacked!

Montesquieu’s writings and from concentration of power to the separation of power (The legislature, executive and judiciary), the republic we herald today.

Not confined to the blood thirsty revolutions but also try glorious revolutions that blended candlelight with moonlight and also with twilight, all of them ignited by the ‘author wisdom’.

“Ek omkar satnam”, Guru Nanak and that blaze of glory. Buddhist “Dhammapada” and the cast system got revolutionsed . Examples are uncountable and the write-up doesn’t intend to overload you with information. Let Google also have some fun. Intention here is to revive the art of reading and writing.

If you think you have watched a video or a documentary rather than reading a book and the job is done, you are wrong my friend. If you think you have typed a 50 pages and the job is done , no , no, no .When a video flashes by your eyes a thousand images per second stimulate the retina and an excitement is generated. Reading on the other hand is something you had learnt in childhood, when your mental canvas was as clear as the sky. So reading has a nexus with childhood purity and hence it’s serene, it’s emancipation.

Same goes with writing. The hands , the eyes , the thoughts all get synchronised in an array like a laser beam. It is meditative. No matter where ultra modern technology is taking us videos and audios can never supersede reading and writing.

Let us shed light on the idea with another prospective. The billionaire rockstar, who sold a 100 million albums in the 80s, Jon Bon Jovi. 1980s and those were the days when there were no WhatsApp groups and he was the rock star of the era. Bon Jovi had something to say about here. He was asked in an interview that why does he disdain going to reality shows like the “American Idol” in capacity of a judge. John said these talented chaps there no doubt have cultivated singing skills far better than me. The modulation the technical part and all that. But where is the song writing? Where is that heart of a poet? Where is that living the life of the character that the songs unleash? Therefore I refrain to participate in such shows.

Today as we see the youth and that “system” (computer) . And thak thak thak of typing . “Oh writing, where is thou art? ” The world has changed and adapting with this change we don’t frown at . However that spiritual touch with reading and writing should not be flushed away else the consequences will be grave. The global depression, the mental disorders shout that aloud. Never to forget it’s the Writers not the Typers that changed the world. Oups Bon Jovi’s “It’s my life’ has crossed a billion views on youtube. We will be back. Stay tuned.

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