75th Republic Day Special : ‘Quack Quack’ vs. ‘Mai Mai’ and THE ROAR.
Inspired by BBC Tathoo Raid story. ( Lion trapped by the clan of hyenad)
So “Education is a milk of lioness, he who shall drink, roars”, said Dr Ambedkar. But what happens when rather than cubs, bucks (baby goat) starting sipping this milk. Before intruding into this coverage on the lines of
Let it be clear that the punch in this quote “he” is a syllable inspired by the Tathoo Raid story of the BBC, that spread like a wild forest fire across the wild life lovers. He is ‘Tathoo’ , in this blog while Raid is the roar of the lion hidden under the howling anti social learned humdrum. He is also used here in the context of Purush/Prakriti by Dr Ambedkar and is hence clearly not against feminist activism.
So, welcome to this era that will leave you in utter disbelief as stats, TRPs and Traffic predict the same. Why Raid crossed looked for seclusion? Fed up he was with the quack and cicada of the creatures Experts witness a gathering of ducks and bucks, on tv channels, perpetual debates, unending controversies and the use of profanity that maid Raid look for the seclusion as the video starts . And an unexpected twist of events was anticipated when bucks start sipping on the milk of a lioness and hence dont frown at me if I say the Varna system (later known as the cast system) came into picture in form of the hyena clan.
When rather than cubs, bucks drink “The milk of Lioness!”
75th Republic Day Special : ‘Quack Quack’ vs. ‘Mai Mai’ and THE ROAR.
Inspired by BBC’s Tathoo Raid story. ( Lion trapped by the clan of hyenas)
So “Education is a milk of lioness, he who shall drink, roars”, said Dr Ambedkar. But what happens when rather than cubs, bucks (baby goat) starting sipping this milk. Before intruding into this coverage on the lines of
let it be clear that the word in this “he” is quote is inspired by the Tathoo Raid story, that spread like a forest fire across the wild life lovers. He is ‘Tathoo’ , in this blog while Raid is the roar of the lion hidden under the howling anti social learned humdrum. He is also used here in the context of Purush/Prakriti by Dr Ambedkar and is hence clearly not against feminist activism.
So, welcome to this era that will leave you in utter disbelief as stats, TRPs and Traffic predict the same. Why Raid crossed looked for seclusion? Fed up he was with the howling, quack and cicada of the creatures and both Tathoo and Raid had to meet for the happy ending as the roar eventually has to prevail. Experts witness a gathering of ducks and bucks, on tv channels, perpetual debates, unending controversies and the use of profanity that maid Raid look for the seclusion as the video starts and inclusion of the pair of male lions in the end. If you have not yet got the point why only cubs deserve the milk of lioness else the whole Biology along with Psychology shall rebel. An unexpected twist of events was anticipated when bucks start sipping on the milk of a lioness and hence dont frown at me if I say the Varna system (later known as the cast system) came into picture in form of the hyena clan.
For example “Brace yourselves, as The Manu Smriti is vindicated generally for the deeply rooted cast system that Dr BR Ambedkar wanted to uproot. “Dharmo Rakshati Rakshitah” that rivets The Fundamental Duties (Article 51(a) Part 4) with the Fundamental Rights (Article 12-35, Part 4) comes from Manu Smriti itself.” was a roar of a creative writer who writes with the dark energy on the darkspace that is 99% of the verse.
Further as the creative writer further roared “Varna’s are not a Manu Smriti Copyright but is mentioned in chapter 4 of The Bhagawad Gita itself based on the Sat, Tam and Raj gunas of ‘Prakriti’. These sat, raj and tam gunas respond to the behaviour observed by Neutrons, Protons and Electrons respectively”. Tathoo in this video heard the commotion and the god particles, the Higgs Bosons ran for the rescue. ( As Higgs Bosons give mass to energy).
“The magnitude of the dominating gunas define the varna as per the spiritual science of the Vedanta. But for endless debates, bragging, and blabbering are just the tip of this peculiar iceberg when sacrosanct stands are taken by the ducks and the bucs before probing the lion ‘modus Vivaldi’ !”
The creative writer further wrote “In the world of the 50s no one thought possible, a group of adventurous ducks deciding to challenge the age-old norm of their duckling lives. Instead of going for a peaceful swim or munching on their usual meals, these audacious daredevils ventured into the lair of a lioness. Now, one may ask, why on earth would a duck approach a lioness? Well, it’s the secret ingredient within that has attracted these daring ducks. “This is the propoganda underpinned under ‘non self educated’.”
The crux of BBC is that such howling made raid fed up and land in danger zone in the clan of hyenas.
With majestic roars and a mighty presence, the lioness offered these curious ducks a chance to experience something truly extraordinary as our preamble breeds the principles of social Fabric. Little did they know that this encounter would forever change the trend of real research forever into bare words. And the commentator says “A pair of male lions is enough for a clan of twenty hyenas”. So finally not even the roar but the silence between the Tathoo Raid story thunders the rest.
As Dr Ambedkar says, “The milk of lioness, he who drinks, roar!”, our feathered friends scattered all over the social media and search engines start the quak quack effect all together simultaneously screening the real ones that really can roar. If needed hunt down as well. Even wolves and hyenas when gulp down the lioness’s milk, they are instantly transformed and feel a nudge to howl. Duck’s once amusing quack quack, limited to sone stagnant pond when resonates with the national sentiments, feelings are hurt and growth is smothered.
Limited to the stagnant information when ducks, bucks and wolves punctuate with deep, rumbling roars the indispensable content gets eclipsed by this noise. When the ducks, no longer content with their feathered existence, discover a newfound love for debates and discussions the mike becomes a past mid night honking of horns.
Every when lions and cubs are confined to the zoological parks then “Gone were the days of mindless quacking; now, we have a profound thoughts to share” always knows the ones birn to moan not roar.
Alas, as the quack quack and the mai mai effect of their words pitched from the Digital Media then aling with the cicada of crickets mating at night a strange phenomenon spreads like wildfire among their fellow fowl.
Ducks and bucks from all corners of the animal kingdom flocked to witness this peculiar spectacle when hyenas lads emulate with the cubs. The debates begin, arguments ensue, with each duck claiming to be the mightiest lion share on the milk of the lioness.
Quack-quack quickly turned into meow-meow and so on and so forth but Raid dint even have to roar amidst danger.
The gatherings become more frequent, and feathers ruffled with increasingly intense discussions as the Lok Sabha Elections slowly approach in the clan of hyenas as well as in the singham avlokan of lions. Some shouted about the existential meaning behind their newfound powers, while others debated the proper pronunciation of “roar” in the duck buck wolf language. It seemed like everyone had an opinion, and each one was determined to be the loudest voice in the electoral vote food chain.
Aside from the never-ending debates, there is also a sudden surge in bragging. Ducks who previously bragged about their water-repellent feathers now boasted about their impressive roars and razor-sharp claws till finally a lion has to come to action. They even managed to convince themselves that swimming was a thing of the past. After all, why swim when you could roar your way through life, “Mah life, mah way”?
So thus amazing quote has resonated in my heart all my life. Yet as I trust abstracts end, the present situation of youth politics and social media influencers is this only. To everyone’s confusion, the lioness’s milk didn’t quite grant the ducks the physical qualities they hoped for. Some ducks tried in vain to elongate their wings into fearsome paws, leading to befuddled waddling attempts. Others attempted roars but ended up letting out mere, feeble “quacks” instead. It was quite a sight to behold!
In the end, the “quack-quack” versus “mai-mai” effect became a part of daily life. The ducks imitated lions.
So, let this be a lesson about the consequences of somewhat reckless curiosity. When cubs attempt to drink the milk of lionesses, don’t expect endless debates filled with quacks and meows but with grandiose claims of might, and devoid of blabbering. J Krishnamurthy perhaps that’s why used to say “Stick to what nature intended and embrace your unique strength instead of chasing something beyond our feathers. So until next time, remember: curiosity may not have killed the duck, but it certainly made it sound a little bit like a misguided lion!
For example “Brace yourselves, as The Manu Smriti is vindicated generally for the deeply rooted cast system that Dr BR Ambedkar wanted to uproot. “Dharmo Rakshati Rakshitah” that rivets The Fundamental Duties (Article 51(a) Part 4) with the Fundamental Rights (Article 12-35, Part 4) comes from Manu Smriti itself.” was a roar of a creative writer who writes with the dark energy on the darkspace that is 99% of the verse.
Further as the creative writer further roared “Varna’s are not a Manu Smriti Copyright but is mentioned in chapter 4 of The Bhagawad Gita itself based on the Sat, Tam and Raj gunas of ‘Prakriti’. These sat, raj and tam gunas respond to the behaviour observed by Neutrons, Protons and Electrons respectively”. Tathoo, in this video heard the commotion and the god particles, the Higgs Bosons ran for the rescue. ( As Higgs Bosons give mass to energy).
“The magnitude of the dominating gunas define the varna as per the spiritual science of the Vedanta. But for endless debates, bragging, and blabbering are just the tip of this peculiar iceberg when sacrosanct stands are taken by the ducks and the bucs before probing the lion ‘modus Vivaldi’ !”
The creative writer further wrote “In the world of the 50s no one thought possible, a group of adventurous ducks deciding to challenge the age-old norm of their duckling lives. Instead of going for a peaceful swim or munching on their usual meals, these audacious daredevils ventured into the lair of a lioness. Now, one may ask, why on earth would a duck approach a lioness? Well, it’s the secret ingredient within that has attracted these daring ducks. “This is the propoganda underpinned under ‘non self educated’.”
The crux of BBC is that such howling made raid fed up and land in danger zone in the clan of hyenas.
With majestic roars and a mighty presence, the lioness offered these curious ducks a chance to experience something truly extraordinary as our preamble breeds the principles of social Fabric. Little did they know that this encounter would forever change the trend of real research forever into bare words. And the commentator says “A pair of male lions is enough for a clan of twenty hyenas “. So finally not even the roar but the silence between the Tathoo Raid story thunders the rest.
As Dr Ambedkar says, “The milk of lioness, he who drinks, roar!”, our feathered friends scattered all over the social media and search engines start the quak quack effect all together simultaneously screening the real ones that really can roar. If needed hunt down as well. Even wolves and hyenas when gulp down the lioness’s milk, they are instantly transformed and feel a nudge to howl. Duck’s once amusing quack quack, limited to sone stagnant pond when resonates with the national sentiments, feelings are hurt and growth is smothered.
Limited to the stagnant information when ducks, bucks and wolves punctuate with deep, rumbling roars the indispensable content gets eclipsed by this noise. When the ducks, no longer content with their feathered existence, discover a newfound love for debates and discussions the mike becomes a past mid night honking of horns.
Every when lions and cubs are confined to the zoological parks then “Gone were the days of mindless quacking; now, we have a profound thoughts to share” always knows the ones birn to moan not roar.
Alas, as the quack quack and the mai mai effect of their words pitched from the Digital Media then aling with the cicada of crickets mating at night a strange phenomenon spreads like wildfire among their fellow fowl.
Ducks and bucks from all corners of the animal kingdom flocked to witness this peculiar spectacle when hyenas lads emulate with the cubs. The debates begin, arguments ensue, with each duck claiming to be the mightiest lion share on the milk of the lioness.
Quack-quack quickly turned into meow-meow and so on and so forth but Raid dint even have to roar amidst danger.
The gatherings become more frequent, and feathers ruffled with increasingly intense discussions as the Lok Sabha Elections slowly approach in the clan of hyenas as well as in the singham avlohan of lions. Some shouted about the existential meaning behind their newfound powers, while others debated the proper pronunciation of “roar” in the duck buck wolf language. It seemed like everyone had an opinion, and each one was determined to be the loudest voice in the electroal vote food chain.
Aside from the never-ending debates, there is also a sudden surge in bragging. Ducks who previously bragged about their water-repellent feathers now boasted about their impressive roars and razor-sharp claws till finally a lion has to come to action. They even managed to convince themselves that swimming was a thing of the past. After all, why swim when you could roar your way through life, “Mah life, mah way”?
So thus amazing quote has resonated in my heart all my life. Yet as I trust abstracts end, the present situation of youth politics and social media influencers is this only. To everyone’s confusion, the lioness’s milk didn’t quite grant the ducks the physical qualities they hoped for. Some ducks tried in vain to elongate their wings into fearsome paws, leading to befuddled waddling attempts. Others attempted roars but ended up letting out mere, feeble “quacks” instead. It was quite a sight to behold!
In the end, the “quack-quack” versus “mai-mai” effect became a part of daily life. The ducks imitated lions.
So, let this be a lesson about the consequences of somewhat reckless curiosity. When cubs attempt to drink the milk of lionesses, don’t expect endless debates filled with quacks and meows but with grandiose claims of might, and devoid of blabbering. J Krishnamurthy perhaps that’s why used to say “Stick to what nature intended and embrace your unique strength instead of chasing something beyond our feathers. So until next time, remember: curiosity may not have killed the duck, but it certainly made it sound a little bit like a misguided lion!