Aayush Tiwari –
A bond that is a necessary evil.
A beautiful fairy as well as a devil.
Light years you walk to earn some trust.
But in fractions of second it can doom in dust.
Trust is the only foundation of love
On the barren heart it spreads like shrubs
Only on its ground deep meditation wends.
And only when its shaken then everything ends
Like do flowers only blooms the love.
When irrigated by the stream known as trust.
Like stinger of scorpions cause such pain.
The sole gets wounded if one steps on faith.
Everybody everywhere needs divinity to trust
Only it keeps one alive and keeps him up
And trusting this world, be it pondered first
That ‘et too Brutus ’ was a result of trust.
Though slowly and randomly the rocks weather.
Like slowly and zig zag the iron rusts
You might be like iron or tough like rock
You can rust in a moment, if rusts your trust
So to trust that real go beyond thoughts
Like he never assured yet we trust our god.
Divine is the self, divine is its thirst
Before trusting the world, your quest, you trust.
Well written article