Poetry & Songs

Oh my Rat GPT, ate your CAT GPT.

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Aayush Tiwari

My Rat GPT ate your CAT GPT
Where is that bell ?” questions CAT GPT
‘Around faceless neck,’ said that chat GPT.

AROUND NECKLESS NECK ?Wondered cat gpt.

Oh that Mack got angry, with this cat gpt…

“OH MY GOD”! Roared the DAD GPT.

“My Sweety ran away, with that BAD GPT”.

The name of their baby,
is the SAD GPT.

“His pic is viral”. Smirked the GLAD GPT.

Oh my sad gpt, oh my glad gpt . You make them crazy,.

Like the CRACK GPT.

Oh my Mack GPT our mad GPT.

Is abstract enigma, of cosmic PPT.

Oh that Rat Gpt ate their Cat gpt.

On these unnatural selection, works all GPT.


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