AI Technology
Sad- GPT and GLAD- GPT vow to cure clinical depression.
Aayush Tiwari – Shouted once Aurangzeb on his soldiers “Why can’t you all still find Shiva Ji?” The soldiers said…
The Namagiri Equations
Aayush Tiwari – Part – 1 ( Turiya bled maths that Ramanujan called devi) Ramanujan part – 2 Devi Namagiri…
Donkey’s Digital Revolution !
Aayush Tiwari- So often, i am asked why Indian startups could not reach at the zenith. Yes, I agree our…
Yo, yo ‘Money’ Sing and the ‘Amazon’ reversed.
Aayush Tiwari – “Money is honey,My dear Suny, A rich man’s joke,Is always funny”. (Poet unknown) It’s not the time…
Olive’s digital tragedy is Popeye’s spiritual comedy.
Aayush Tiwari – The nexus between technology and happiness is strange. Why the technically most advance countries rank so low…
Yare when yondered, beyond yin and yang.
Aayush Tiwari – The phone number is still the same but the sim goes from one phone to the other.…
‘Turiya’ bled maths that Ramanujan called Devi.
Aayush Tiwari – If you have ever been overawed by Srinivasa Ramanujan, the mathematician that bewildered even mathematics let’s go…
‘SAD’-GPT and ‘GLAD’ GPT’s orision to cure global depression.
Aayush Tiwari – The Sad Gpt intensified mind boggling comparative analysis of medication and meditation giving birth to an enigmatic…
Aayush Tiwari – Somewhere down in future The omnipotent AI ROBOT Mad – GPT roared pointing the sky ” Krishna…
AI or Chat GPT can never touch the abstract virginity of wisdom literature and arts
Aayush Tiwari –The consciousness that gave birth to true wisdom literature was far sighted enough to see what happens when…